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Volvoretta Bio

Volvoretta Obomsawin, the butterfly born on a mountain. This is the meaning of her name but not the beginning or end of the story. Retta, as is her common nickname, Is the younger of the two daughters born to the woman named Sanuye. When Retta was little she loved to play in the field and dragged her blind sister around for the fun of it.  She particularly liked sniffing all the interesting Flowers and practicing pouncing on grass hoppers and little rodents. One day however, she had gotten some pollen on her nose and a huge butterfly decided to land on it.  Retta got quite a good view of the scary little face that the butterfly had and ran back to her mother in tears. All the while the butterfly clung to her nose for dear life.  When she reached the den her mother couldn't help but laugh at her daughter and the large butterfly that had scared her so. Such is the origin of her name.

Tzatch, her older sister is a highly respected shaman.  Like many shamans her sister decided to dedicate herself fully to the spirit Ekaitz, the spirit of storms.  Because of this and her sisters’ rather lofty position in the social ladder, Retta decided to prove something to her parents. She wanted to prove how much faith she had. Thus she sacrificed her eyes to the Sisters of Ruin. Borrokatzea, Gerra, and Odoletan. Battle, War, and Blood. In her culture it’s considered to be one of the most extreme sacrifices you can make. Mostly because of the heavy price the individual pays for their boon. Not many are willing to endure the pain or give up so much of their freedom to the whim of the spirits. However, To Retta the advantage of not being able to be controlled by her sister was reason enough to do it.

As she grew older she took after her snow white colored mother more and more. She did not choose to become the strong warrior, like her father, instead she opted to being a huntress. For the Zalnduu this means that she specializes in rather large, and tough to kill prey. Megabison, Titanoboa, Mammoths and the dreaded Shiverhorror. This led her to be quite adept at tracking, camouflage, since she is an ambush predator, and explosive bursts of energy. She is exceptionally skilled at killing these great beast within moments using nothing more than her claws, teeth, and brute strength. Just as the spirit of the hunt dictated she should live her life. Though like all specialists she suffers in many other categories. She is not as strong as some of the warrior counterparts from her culture. Nor does she have any magical gifts like the spirit walkers, or the seers. However, she suffers particularly when she is faced with a humanoid opponent or a creature that is much smaller than her in general. It’s much harder for her to apply the skills she learned from hunting mammoths to kill humans or elves. Like most of her race she does not have an exceptional amount of stamina. Though she probably has a little more than the average human does her power is best used in short, but explosive bursts. Long, drawn out chases or fights will tire her rather quickly. 

For most of her life she has been a solitary wanderer. She moves from place to place, occasionally taking refuge in a dug out den near a river, or near the roots of a tree. Occasionally she will show herself in town but usually only to trade her furs, and bone carvings from her various kills. Over time she has learned to become more tolerant of the people she calls Ero Dira, or anything that is not a Zalnduu. Even so, she still finds many of their customs and ways strange and alien. And though she has become better at speaking common, she still struggles with it quite a bit. She’s all to use to her rougher, native tongue.

Languages: Broken Common (english), Azak'nuul (native tongue, Zalnduu Dialect), Grov'tul, Lunadrain

Religion: Zaln'Azak

Patron(s): Sisters of Ruin

Boon: The Untamed Eye

Father: Achak Ahtahkakoop

Mother: Sanuye: Angwusonomataqa

Sister: Tzatch Obomsawin

Reason the names don't match:

Zalnduu last names are the place in which they were born.

Ahtahkakoop: Under the stars

Angwusonomataqa: In a field of Corn

Obomsawin: On a mountian


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