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 Volvoretta Obomsawin


Retta, her usual nickname, is a Zalnduu huntress of Average height for her people. She stands about 12'6" and weighs between 1200 and 1400 pounds if she's had a good deal to eat that day. Her English is rather broken but she still tries her best to communicate with all of the people that she meets. Be wary however, for she is quite zealous with her religion. Though she has become slightly more tolerant over time it's still at the core of her being. To many she is a Savage stuck in ways of Spirits and brutal rituals. Though this may be true she can be friendly as well. She wears a leather shirt that clings to her large breasts rather nicely. The clasps are made from stone and gold . Around her waist is a long Skirt made from dark brown leather and held together by a huge skull and some large animal teeth. 

Her entire body is painted in red, white and black dye. Just under her nose there is a red line painted to the top of her upper lip. She has some elongated talon marks on both sides of her muzzle as well.  These marks mean that she is a huntress. However, the large swooping mark that goes across her left eye and bordered in white is to warn people not to look into her eyes. Though many Ero Dira don't know the meaning and do so anyway. 

The backs of her ears have some red and white lines painted along the edge of them, though they are just for beauty.  The underside of her jaw has a large U painted in white an red to show that she has a strong bite and knows how to kill with her teeth. The diagonal line across her neck signifies health and Beauty as well.  The bands on her arms and legs, Still in the ever present dye colors of white and red  are markers for her strength.  They show that she can take down extremely large pray and has done so often. 

Each shoulder bears a circle with four prongs extending out in the North, South, East, West directions. These mark her as a traveler, a wanderer. She travels from place to place either following her prey or simply exploring her land. The Band around her tail makes note of her speed. She is quite fast in short bursts when she wants to be. 

Three lines cling to her breasts that connect to a fourth that sweeps across her bust. They show her to be fertile and healthy. As do the sweeping lines across her rear. Finally she has a spider like symbol on her back, hidden by the long mane that shows her family history. The mark says that her mother, was quite beutiful, Her father, an honored warrior, and her sister is a Shaman. 


More detailed Physiology:

Retta has 12 feet of hair. Like all of her race, Men and Women alike, Her hair marks her age. it is half as long as she is old. According to her religion she may never cut it. If it is ever cut she becomes one of the Walking Dead according to her faith. Before she drinks any water she must pray over it otherwise it will boil in her hands and scald her skin.  Before she hunts she must recite a prayer and must do the same after she has killed something and preform a ritual. She may never wear nor wield metal other then gold. Every night she must sleep on the earth or with earth directly under her, like under the mattress or pillow. One a day she is required to light a fire  or smoke from her pipe. 

Female Zalnduu, like Retta have a large mane that runs down their back it's usually the same shade as their hair. Male Zalnduu however, lack this though they are usually larger then the females. 

As a Zalnduu huntress most of her strength is in her legs. Though they are not made for kicking at all. They are thick and powerful. Her legs are build to propel her towards her target and nothing else. Her arms are quite strong as well. After all of the grappling and swiping that she does when she hunts they have to be. 

She has two large saber like teeth that protrude from either side of her jaw. They are not meant to bite and hold her prey for they would snap if she tried. However, they are made to slice the Jugular or Carotid artery once she has wrestled her kill to the ground. 

Unlike many other races holding Retta by her nonexistent scruff does not calm her down. After all the large teeth that every Zalnduu owns would kill an infant if held that way. Instead there is a small gap between their first and second premolars.  Zalnduu commonly hold their children here by their thick, strong tails. Thus petting, or holding Retta's tail will make her Thrum.


Thrumming is an Odd thing that the Zalnduu do. It's Similar to a purr from a cat but has some major differences. The Zalnduu Thrum consists of nothing but infrasound vibrations. This means it can be felt through rock, Earth, and the foundations of a house. Though some find it soothing  others can not handle prolonged exposure to their bones being vibrated.  For Zalnduu however, it's a sign of contentedness and happiness.

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